Allow Your Data to
Work For You!

Merchant Data provides unprecedented access and visibility to your data.

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Unprecedented Ease & Visibility

Our technology provides unprecedented insights into a merchant’s transactions, operations and ultimately – sustainability.  Our platform is the first to combine traditional transaction data with every data point tied to the customer experience – ecommerce experience, fulfillment, customer service, and more.

Until you have access to this unified data you won’t believe how much more control you’ll gain over your business.  Let us explain why this is important to both merchants and ISVs!

Merchant Processing Made Easy

It has never been easier before! Our purpose and goal is to make every bit of merchant processing easier for you!

  • MID Procurement & Planning
  • 3D Secure Implementation
  • Chargeback Dispute Services
  • Transaction Reconciliation
  • Ethoca & Verifi Alert Provider
Learn More

CB Reduction

Identifying operational failures allows your business to catch issues before a customer charges back.

Revenue Increase

Increased efficiencies will reduce chargebacks and refunds putting more to your bottom line.

Merchant Stability

24-7 monitoring to generate alerts when there is a detection of an ops failure that historically leads to a chargeback.

Operational Visibility

Merchants and ISOs no longer have to react to chargebacks 30-60 days after the operational failure happened.


Here is How We’re Different:

Merchant Data’s staff is a combination of former product marketers as well as merchant services veterans.  All of Merchant Data’s software and services have been developed specifically to satisfy a pain point that every merchant experiences.

Our Services

Quick look at the services Merchant Data offers merchants of any size


MID Procurement & Planning

Our experts will align your marketing goals with our MID procurement strategy. Merchant Data has multiple banking options for nearly any business model.

3D Secure Implementation

Our team will help register your MIDs for this service but also will be able to implement 3D secure services with any ecommerce experience.

Chargeback Dispute Services

Merchant Data’s chargeback dispute service will recover 70% of all disputed transactions to help put money back on a merchant's bottom line.

Quickbooks & Transaction Reconciliation

Merchant Data’s banking integrations will collect and summary deposits per MID as well as notify technicians when a deposit appears to be missing, allowing them to spot check for any merchant related financial concerns.

Ethoca & Verifi Alert Provider

A critical component to reducing chargebacks, receiving a notification before chargebacks are officially processed allows merchants to refund a transaction to avoid the blemish of a recorded chargeback.

Contact us & start learning about how Merchant Data can benefit you today!

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